Episode 4 


The Labyrinth of Mirrors; The decision of the Flame.

Previously, Kage Houshi had convinced Tokiya Mikagami that Recca Hanabishi was in league with his sister's murderers. He was about to finish off Recca had not been for Yanagi who arrived at the scene just in time...

Ensui liquefied itself and water splashed onto the ground. Mikagami was still stunned by the close resemblance that Yanagi had in comparison to Mifuyu. Yanagi ran past him, knocking Ensui from his hand. She cried as she holds Recca and asked Mikagami's intention. Why was he so heartless? Mikagami grimly smiled and replied that his heart had died a long time ago. He picked up Ensui and told Recca that he would spare him this time but he would revealed his true mask. He left as Recca cursed in response and fainted. Yanagi laid him on the ground and healed him.

Meanwhile, Mori Kougan had received a photo of Yanagi and believed that she and the Hokage Ninja maudough were the links to his quest of immorality. He ordered his men to find out more. 

Fuko informed Recca that Mikagami was older than them by 1 year and he was  the smartest kid in school. Although he was well known, nobody could get close to him due to his icily attitude.  Recca said that Mikagami owned a Hokage maudough, Ensui and believed that Kage Houshi might be involved in this. Domon asked Recca if he was going to have a rematch. Recca replied that Mikagami was too strong for him. Fuko teased him for being like that but stopped at his depressed look.

At a kindergarten school, Yanagi  was giving an ‘interesting’ story to the little children (using Recca as the main hero and Domon the villan), only to be applauded by blank looks and booing. Fuko and Domon appeared by the doorway and showed their 'support'. Yanagi was happy yet embarrassed to see them. She looked behind them and saw the extremely lifeless Recca sitting by the swings. In efforts to cheer him up, Yanagi decided that they should go to the amusement park the next day. Domon accepted the offer and interpreted as a double date – Recca with Yanagi &  Domon with Fuko. Fuko ticked him off. Spying them from a rooftop was Tokiya, who couldn't believe that Recca looked perfectly normal despite the thrashing that he had given him last night.

At the amusement park, Domon freaked out during the rides while Recca remained to be gloomy. Yanagi asked him what was wrong with him, Recca replied that no matter how he tried to help her, it always seemed to be her who was saving him instead. Brushing his idea away, Yanagi offered to buy drinks for the group. On the way, Yanagi thought over what Recca had just said to her. Mikagami followed behind, stopped her and led her to the House of Mirrors. Tokiya was confident that Recca would come here to find her. When that happened, he would extract the truth from him.

After waiting for a considerable amount of time, Fuko and Domon decided to find Yanagi.  Fuko told Recca to snap out of his gloominess and find Yanagi. In the House of Mirrors, Tokiya told Yanagi about his sister’s death and his thirst for revenge. Yanagi feared that Mikagami would kill Recca. Later, Recca reached in front of the House of Mirrors and heard Yanagi’s voice. Recca had an inner struggle in him about his vow to be Yanagi’s ninja. Finally, he gave in and entered.

Mikagami told Yanagi that Recca's background or related issues were none of his concern but as long she remained with him, her life would always be in danger. Yanagi begged him to spare Recca’s life but the sound of running feet interrupted them. Mikagami commented that it was too late. Recca appeared and asked Yanagi for forgiveness and asked her to accept him as her ninja. She smiled and agreed. Recca summoned his flame which set off the water sprinklers. Using the water from the sprinklers, Mikagami transformed Ensui into a sword. Recca set off a flame, which split into three as it moved towards Mikagami. Mikagami wiped out 2 of them and avoided the third flame, which shattered the mirrors into pieces. The glass pieces flew all over the place and  Recca was forced to use his body as a shield for Yanagi.

Mikagami analyzed Recca’s attack by explaining that he used 3 firebombs while releasing his flame. Thus, causing the 3 flames. However he was stupid to allow himself to be injured heavily in the process. Recca attacked him but he was tricked into hitting the mirrors, which constantly reflecting Mikagami’s image. Mikagami beat him up and sent him sprawling on the ground. Fuko and Domon ran in and offered to help but Recca turned them down. Once again, Mikagami gave him another beating. Fuko and Domon wanted to help but Kage Houshi appearred and stopped them by making them unable to move. Recca was knocked down again. Mikagami mocked him at his inability to defeat him. Recca laughed as he stands up and said that with just 2 flames he would defeat Mikagami.

Mikagami smirked at him and said that what Recca actually meant was that he could only produce 2 more flames. Recca cursed but proceed to fight. Using the first flame, Recca destroyed all the mirrors. Mikagami was forced to shield his eyes from the flying glass pieces. He looked around but Recca seemed to have disappear. Mikagami waited for the right moment to strike. Suddenly, he turned around and plunged Ensui into Recca’s chest only to discover that it was a reflection from a mirror instead. The mirror broke into pieces. While Mikagami has not recovered by the setback,  Recca took his chance and strike from behind. Mikagami quickly blocked him with Ensui. Recca told him that although water puts out fire but fire had the ability to evaporate water. With his flame, the water molecules in Ensui broke down and the sword evaporates. Mikagami (having no protection) was hit by the remaining flame and crashed into a mirror. Fuko and Domon were happy at the victory and discovered that they could move again.

Recca told Mikagami that he want him to leave him alone; Mikagami was convinced that Recca had nothing to do with his sister’s killers. Kage Houshi apologized for the fight and explained that she did this to strengthen their powers. She warned them of another flame caster who will come for them and maybe, the murderers of Mifuyu could be among his followers. Mikagami brushed off the glass bits of him and coldly said that it had nothing to with him; he would admit defeat but would not accept Recca’s kindness in letting him go. He questioned Recca’s ability in protecting Yanagi. Recca answered that he could and if he were to fail, he would commit suicide. Mikagami gave a cold laughter at his ninja’s mentality. Then, he pointed Ensui at him and said Recca wouldn’t need to commit suicide. If  Recca failed, he would be the one to kill him. Afterwards, Mikagami left the damaged House of Mirrors.

Recca agreed and fainted, his energy all spent. Yanagi quickly cut her arm and pressed her bleeding arm onto Recca’s. She explained to Domon and Fuko that she had the ability to heal but unable to replace the blood that Recca had lost. So, she was sending her blood to his. Kage Houshi, shed tears as she dematerialized, praying that no matter what was going to happen in the future, her son Recca must never give up. Unknowingly to all of them, a man was hidden among the shadows, witnessing the entire scene.

Mori Kougan was informed that Yanagi was the girl of healing and she had friends who had extraordinarily abilities of their own. Kurei laughed. When asked by Mori Kougan for his laughter, Kurei replied that he would capture Yanagi.

Screen cap

Yanagi healing Recca

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