Episode 37 - To Misao; a message from Kyoto


After Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko, Sanosuke and Misao stopped the Black Knights (from Germany) and the Sanada ninja clan from obtaining some divine medicine, they return to the Kamiya dojo...

Yahiko is having a hard time fighting Misao. Kaoru thinks that it would a good practice for Yahiko to fight with somebody who has different fighting techniques. Sanosuke wonders how long is weasel girl staying... (gets 3 daggers right next to his face, kindly provided by Misao). Misao hopes to stay longer in Tokyo. Kaoru wonders if Okina might be worried about her. (Nope, he's too busy chasing after girls) Kenshin asks about Aoishi, would he be worried about her? Misao thinks over and decides to return to Kyoto. Just then, they hear somebody. Misao recognizes the voice.

2 people stand at the Kamiya dojo - Omasu & Ochiku. They scold Misao for being away from Aoiya for so long. But they are not the only ones here; Aoishi Shinomori is here as well. He is sent by Okina to bring her a letter. Misao reads it - Okina wants her home and a souvenir too. Then, Misao changes her mind. She doesn't want to return home. Then, Megumi shows up. Omasu and Ochiku exchange greeting with her. Aoishi nods his head politely. Megumi thinks of giving him some of her infamous potion (fox's ears pop up) Kenshin invites them in...

Misao doesn't want to go home because Okina sent Aoishi to come and fetch her. Aoishi didn't come for her at all. After a girl talk, Misao is convinced to go home but before that, they should go out for an outing and buy something for Okina. Yahiko and Sanosuke find out and decide to follow them. Kenshin is glad that he and Aoishi can fulfill their promise to have a tea ceremony together. (Kenshin has found the utensils in the warehouse)

At a temple, the girls pray. Kaoru wishes about her relationship with Kenshin, Misao too, about Aoishi. Omasu prays for Okina to stop chasing girls, Ochiku prays to see Hiko Seijirou again and Megumi wishes for Sanosuke to have more brains. Kenshin and Aoishi are having their tea ceremony. Later, the girls go into a restaurant where they meet Tae and Tsubame. (Yahiko begins to feel awkward). Kenshin and Aoishi are medicating. Kenshin falls over to one side with aching legs. (There's very eerie atmosphere when the two don't fight.). Kaoru wants to order more food when Tae comments on her figure. It's not good for her to gain weight even though Kenshin is a very good cook! Misao dreams of doing anything for Aoishi but Kaoru describes Misao's unshapely body. Everybody giggles and Misao is annoyed (blue flames circles her head) Megumi offers to give advice (Misao is having star eyes and jotting down notes) such as drinking milk everyday, hot baths, blood circulation.... If all these don't work, one thing will. Find a man who doesn't care on how you look! (foxy ears again!)

At the Kamiya dojo, Aoishi helps Kenshin get over with his aching feet. The girls go shopping when a pickpocket steals Tsubame's purse. Yahiko and Sanosuke tails after him but Misao, Omasu and Ochiku have him beaten up before they arrived. Back at the dojo, Aoishi is surprised that Kenshin is doing laundry. (Imagine that legendary Battousai doing that). The children, Ayame and Suzume run up to Kenshin and ask him to play with them. Aoishi recalls Misao asking him to play with her when she was young. Yahiko and Sanosuke see the beaten up pickpocket and some policemen mistook them as the culprits. They run off. The pickpocket wants revenge...

Aoishi made some paper cranes for Ayame and Suzume. He used to make these for Misao when she was young. Kenshin asks him if he still consider Misao as a child...

Yahiko and Sanosuke catch their breaths. They see a rowdy bunch of men running, the pickpocket is among them. Yahiko and Sanosuke run back to the marketplace where the girls are. However, by the time, they get there. The girls have already dealt with them - a shattering of unconscious men. Once again, Sanosuke and Yahiko are mistaken by the policemen as the culprits. They run off.

Kenshin has put the children to sleep and asks Aoishi if they would like to go for a walk. They could meet up the girls and return to the dojo together. Aoishi agrees. Later, they meet up with girls. Misao gives Aoishi a paper balloon. Kaoru notices something different about Aoishi. Yahiko and Sanosuke catch up, panting. Oh dear, it seems like the girls have forgotten to buy Okina a souvenir. Never mind they can buy it tomorrow. Yahiko and Sanosuke protest loudly and let the cat out of the bag. Megumi pulls Sanosuke by the ears.

Aoishi looks at the paper balloon.