二匹の火龍! 盗まれた技!
Koganei had a hard time with Tsukishiro who used the Hokage Maudough, Oboro (Hazy Moon) to make himself invisible. Still, he was still able to defeat him because of the bloodstains on the Hazy Moon. Due to serious injuries, Koganei was brought to the medical bay. Yanagi volunteered to accompanied him...
Recca stepped
up to the arena where the bat-costume referee kissed him again. Yanagi appeared,
surprising Recca. She walked up to him, took his arm and told him that she
wanted him to touch her since he let himself to kiss by the referee. (HUH????) A
sly giggle was heard then explosion. Out appeared Kashamaru, a nasty-looking ninja
who was hoping to injure Recca through the explosion but it turned that to be
Tsukishiro instead. Recca was at the other end, disgusted with him for using a
cheap trick.
The fight started with Recca using smoke bombs. Later, he summoned Nadare. Kashamaru smirked and unexpectedly summoned Nadare. Recca was stunned at Kashamaru’s ability to summon Karyu even though he was not from the clan of the Hokages. The two Nadares charged towards each other. Shockingly, both had the same power and equal strength. Recca used Homura but the same thing happened once more.
Recca then tried Saiha so did Kashamaru. Both fighters charged towards each other, slashing each other on the arm. Kashamaru mocked at Recca while he summoned 3 dragons – Nadare, Saiha, Homura. Recca could not believe it since he himself found it difficult to summon 2 dragons at the same time. The 3 dragons attacked. Recca defended himself with Madoka. Kashamaru sneakily slashed him from behind. Kagero was distributed by Kashamaru’s capability to control the Karyu with ease.
Kashamaru called out 5 dragons – Nadare, Saiha, Homura, Madoka and Setsuna, intending to kill Recca as this was the duty of every Uruha member. He stretched out his arm, revealing something glowing on his arm. Kagero recognised it as the Hokage Madough, Nisebi (Fake Flame). This maudough had the ability to copy any flames. If a flame caster obtained it, he would be the most powerful flame caster. Kashamaru wasted no time in summing Setsuna to attack Recca. Recca accidentally looked into Setsuna’s eye and was fried to a crisp.
He got up, panting heavily. Then, he heard a voice from Karyu. One of the Karyu told him that if he could answer this riddle he would obtain his power.
was once a writer who wrote a novel. Another writer stole the manuscript and
made copies out of it. Another writers did the same thing with the copies that
they had obtained. When the original writer heard about it, he demanded that the
fake writers confess that he was the one who wrote the original manuscripts.
However, the other writers did the same thing. How was
the original writer going
to be recognized
for his work?
Recca grinned. The answer was to let the writers write the continuation of the story. Only the real writer was able to do this. The dragon approved of answer – so, how was Recca going to continue the story here? A tattoo burned on Recca’s arm symbolising the 6th dragon, Rui. Kashamaru became afraid when he saw that Recca had obtained the 6th dragon. Magensha warned him if he were to fail, he would be sent to that place. Kashamaru rebut, saying that once he saw the ability of the new dragon, he would know what to do. Recca closes his eyes, allowing himself to work with Rui.
Soon, the whole arena was covered with fog. Kashamaru panicked and tried to break up with the fog. Using his instincts, he slashed a shadow from behind. It turned out to be Gashakura. Then, he saw Jisho, who was previously killed by Magensha. Afterwards, he saw an image of himself. The fake Kashakura taunted him if he liked to see a copy of himself as he secretly took his sword. He held the real Kashamaru and gave him a warning – never underestimate the Karyu! Rui revealed himself to him and burnt him. A fiery hurricane was seen in the middle of the arena and Kashamaru was toasted.
Recca explained that Rui had the ability to create any illusions that Recca desired. Kashakura admited defeat. While the audience cheered, Recca felt that he continues to depend on the power of Karyu, he would never be able to defeat Kurei. Gashakura prepared himself for the next round. Magensha stopped him because he wanted to punish Tsukirshiro and Kashamaru for being such a disgrace to the Uruha. He lifted his arms and opened a portal, which sucked in the two fleeing men. Recca wanted to know where could they gone to but Magensha could not be bothered to tell him.
The referee announced the next fight when Recca interrupted. He wanted to fight in the next round. Gashakura mocked at him, asking if he knew about the sleeping drug that Kashamaru put in his sword. This was to make any opponent to fall asleep if they happened to take his sword during the fight. Recca began to feel the effects. Gashakura swung his spike ball and flung it down.
Recca could have lost his head if Fuko had not stepped in. She was eager to have a good fight since her last one with Fujimaru. She told the sleeping Recca to let her take care of this and ordered Domon to take Recca away.
The scene ended with Fuko looking at the towering Gashakura.
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Kashamaru |
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