Episode 38
恐怖! 死者の肉体!
Noroi the living corpse
The Hokages had won the semi-finals by defeating the Uruha Mahou. The 400 year-old showdown between the two brothers had finally begun!
In a restaurant, Domon boasted about his victory over Magensha, ticking off the Hokages one by one. (That couldn't be blamed because if it weren't for Recca and Fuko's help, Domon could have been defeated.) Domon protested about them leaving but quickly drooled at a stroking. sensation He turned around and saw an old man touching his arm. He yelled at the old man. The old man replied that Domon was a strong man (instantly, Domon offered him food) but he would lose tomorrow's match. Domon yelled at him but quieted down when the old man gave him a small metal ball, which he was told that it was a maudough.
Koganei was taking a break from his practise when the same old man appeared, playing with the Anki Kougan. He threw it back to Koganei, commenting on his mastering of the 5 forms. But did he know the 6th form? In the restroom, Fuko complained to Yanagi about Domon's vanity. The same old man appeared and harassed her. He warned that she must use the Kaze no Kadama wisely for the next match. Fuko wanted to get back at the old man but Yanagi stopped her because Fuko was still in her underwear. Koagero felt that the old man looked familiar.
Mikagami was sitting next to a table and coldly said that the old man didn't bother to knock on the door. The old man appeared and asked if he was frustrated because he was unable to find his sister's killer. Mikagami pointed Ensui at him. The old man leaped onto the table, telling him he would find the answers tomorrow. At the men's restroom, Recca met the same old man who told that he would have to come with him if he wished to defeat Kurei. Recca rejected the offer and walked away. However, he had a deep feeling that he should get to know the old man.
At the battle dome, the referee announced the last 2 remaining teams - Hokage and Uruha Kurenai. The dark arena was lightened up, revealing that the battlefield was in the middle of an extremely deep hole. If the opponent would to fall over the edge of the arena, one could expect a horrible death waiting for him. For the Uruha Kurenai, the remaining members of the Uruha 10 were Noroi, Kai, Mikoto and Joker. But where was Kurei? Mikoto explained that Kurei didn't need to come for now. Recca became angry but Domon reminded him that his enemy was Kurei only and he should leave the rest of the Uruha Kurenai to them.
For the 1st round, it was Noroi from Uruha Kurenai against Domon from Hokage. The fight began with Domon punching Noroi. The old man appeared under Kagero's dress. Recca yelled at him. The old man told them to observe the Uruha Kurenai team. They seem to calm despite the thrashing that Noroi was receiving. Joker replied that they didn't have to worry because Noroi would feel no pain. Mikoto chided him for his loose tongue. Noroi punched Domon out of the arena, with the words "Hoshii (I want), Domon grabbed on the edge of the arena. Noroi walked over and surprisingly pulled Domon back to the arena. Koganei sensed something was wrong since Noroi was known as a killing machine.
Domon used the Beak King on Noroi, knocking off the mask. To his horror, Noroi had no head but a rotting skull. Kagero recogniseds it as the Hokage maudough - Bakuju. The legend behind the maudough was that its master used it to move dead bodies as he pleased. One day, he was dying to major injuries. Out of despair, the master transferred his soul into the maudough. He lived but he needed a physical body to carrying on living. The disadvantage was that the body will soon decay, as it cannot last forever. Thus, Noroi had to possess new bodies to keep on living. And it seemed that he want Domon's body.
Meanwhile, Noroi was giving Domon a hard time. The old man yelled at him to use the maudough that he gave him last night. Domon took it out but he had no idea on how to use it. Noroi punched him to the ground. The madough fell out from Domon's hand and into his mouth! Noroi aimed for Domon's head. A cloud of dust. Fuko knelt to the ground, believing that he had been killed.
But Noroi's arm broke into pieces, as Domon amazingly got up cheerful as ever. The Hokages noticed the colour change of Domon's skin and a tattoo on his forearm. Kagero recognised it as the maudough - Tetsugan, which transformed the user's body to be as hard as iron. Domon punched Noroi who fell to the ground.
However, Noroi's mask flew up and down onto Domon's head. Domon struggled to take it off but he couldn't. The old man said that unless Domon had the will to break Noroi's spell, his memories, his mind, body and soul would belong to Noroi. The scene changed to Domon's mind; Domon was surrounded by bubbles, which contained his memory. As the bubble burst one by one, Domon lost his memories. He saw a bright light ahead of him, telling him to walk towards it. Domon almost did but one surviving bubble floated towards him. He looked into it and sees him with Recca. Domon remembered that it was when he met Recca for the first time. He remembered that he had been trying to defeat Recca for a very long time and thus, was his reason for his desire to become stronger. He recalled that they were in the Urabutousatsoujin to fight against Kurei and to protect Yanagi. With each recall, his memories return and Domon gained control of himself.
Back at the arena, the Hokages saw Domon taking control of his body as he broke the Bakuju to pieces. Noroi's soul cried out for the last time as it evaporated into still air. The referee announced the winner - Domon.
At this time, Kurei made his presence, wearing a new mask. He 'praised' Domon for his effects in defeating Noroi. Recca glared at him
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Domon with the old man (also known as Koku) | Noroi |
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